January 24, 2009

No Beckinsale? No Problem!


***DISCLAIMER*** This review comes from a fan of the previous movies; if you don't like those, please disregard this review.

From the trailers, I expected a movie totally dependent on CGI and more gimmicky monsters, even moreso than "Underworld: Evolution." I was also concerned that the lack of Beckinsale would somehow make this movie less interesting. I miscalculated. In my mind, this is the best movie of the three.

This movie made me accept the fact that Beckinsale, while insanely attractive, is not a very good actress. It also made me realize that the obligatory focus she received in the previous movies really detracted from the overall story.

"Rise of the Lycans" greatly improves on the blue monster mess that was the second movie. In that movie, you were basically watching Blue Beast vs. Blue Bat with Shiny Leather Selene in the middle. Throw in some half-assed Corvinus backstory and you're done. In this movie there are no lame hybrid blue monsters. Even better, the leads are the two strongest actors from the first movie, Michael Sheen and Bill Nighy. It is their performances which raise this movie above the other two. Viktor is easily at his cold and ruthless peak. Lucian, now that he has some screen time, is a far more sympathetic and interesting character than Selene or Michael ever thought about being.

Be warned, there is a lot of lopping of limbs and heads, as well as slit throats, in this movie. But if you liked Underworld but thought Evolution was something of a letdown, you should find Rise of the Lycans a welcome return to form for the Underworld franchise.


Publia said...

I am not too much for that lopping stuff. Nice blog, though.

Anonymous said...

Agreed with you! I found this instalment refreshing.