April 7, 2009

I Kind of Liked You, Movie


"I Love You, Man" is yet another comedy to feature some of the "It" Apatow crew. It stars Paul Rudd as the dork who doesn't have any regular, male friends and Jason Segel as the carefree dude who spends most of his time in his "man cave."

The type of comedy this movie offers seems like it was crafted to appeal to the widest audience possible. It has quite a bit of raunchy humor, some relationship humor, and a lot of awkward humor (courtesy of Paul Rudd trying to be hip). Sure I laughed at some of the jokes, but overall I came away feeling that "I Love You, Man" couldn't decide what kind of comedy it wanted to be.

I generally find Paul Rudd extremely funny, but he seems miscast as the hapless rube. He is much better when playing a sarcastic twit. Apparently the writers thought that Paul Rudd trying and failing to come up with cool nicknames and catchphrases was hilarious because he does exactly that for most of the movie. But it's not that funny, mainly because it seems forced.

I don't mean to beat this movie down too much. It was funny in parts, and I enjoyed seeing Rush featured in a movie (even if they overdid the Rush related jokes), but it felt a little half-assed and derivative. A big problem is that there are similar movies that are much funnier, such as "Forgetting Sarah Marshall," "Knocked Up," and "Role Models." If you like those movies, you will either embrace this movie as a welcome addition to that pantheon or you will be disappointed by a movie that doesn't quite measure up to its predecessors.

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